Diagnostic & Tumor Testing Criteria
Further information regarding testing criteria include the original Amsterdam Criteria, Amsterdam Criteria II, Bethesda Criteria, and the revised Bethesda guidelines.
Cost-effectiveness of Universal Screening
Cost-effectiveness studies that compare the incremental costs per life year saved for universal screening methods relative to no testing and age-targeted testing.
Outcomes of Population- Based Screening
Table with results of published population based universal screening studies.
Implementation/Feasibility of Universal Screening
Overviews of published studies regarding the implimentation and feasibility of universal screening.
Ethical, Legal & Social Issues
Overviews of published studies regarding the ethical, legal, and social issues of Lynch Syndrome screening.
MMR Status in Prognosis & Treatment of CRC
Overviews of published studies regarding mismatch repair system status in prognosis & treatment of Colorectal cancer.
Universal Screening for Endometrial Cancer
Overviews of published studies regarding universal screening for Endometrial cancer.